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Elon Musk's AI startup to rival OpenAI: Meet X.AI

Elon Musk's AI startup to rival OpenAI: Meet X.AI

Elon Musk has been making big statements and claims about artificial intelligence for a long time. He continues to take important steps to back these claims up. Elon Musk is taking a new competitive path. Elon Musk just founded a company called X.AI to compete with OpenAI, he seems to be very happy to be in the position of the company’s manager. Jared Birchall, who is the family office manager, will work as Elon Musk’s secretary at X.AI.

Elon Musk’s OpenAI Rival Artificial Intelligence Startup X.AI

Artificial intelligence technologies are one of the most popular technological innovations of the last few decades. Today everyone looking to make attempts to have a get a slice of the cake. Different companies are creating a competitive environment. It seems that OpenAI might have a new, strong competitor. The name of said competition is none other that Elon Musk. A few months ago, we reported that Musk was making attempts to establish an artificial intelligence research laboratory to develop a competitor to ChatGPT. Now it seems that Musk has already rolled up his sleeves to get the ball running!!


The company name is reported to be X.AI. After Musk’s breakthroughs and claims about artificial intelligence, we cannot say that we are surprised by this. Musk’s love for “X” is something everyone is aware of. Elon Musk has publicly been interested in artificial intelligence for many years. Elon Musk was already part of the founding team of OpenAI. Musk gave up the company in 2018 but it is impossible not to expect him to make bigger moves with artificial intelligence becoming so popular today.

Musk announced a while ago that he was moving Twitter’s parent company from Twitter.Inc to X.Corp. “The Verge” announced the company’s founding date as March 9, 2023. Elon Musk has appointed Jared Birchall, the director of Musk’s family office, as his secretary.

Elon Musk’s initiatives with artificial intelligence are not limited to this. He publicly argued against those who claim that artificial intelligence cannot overcome human intelligence. The famous entrepreneur, who does not slow down in the field of artificial intelligence, recently announced that he made a purchase of 10 thousand GPUs to Twitter’s productional artificial intelligence project. It can also be mentioned that there are many sources that associate this initiative of Elon Musk with artificial intelligence investments. It is among reported information that Elon Musk has big investments in artificial intelligence field, one being Twitter’s big spending on data centers.

Although it is not yet clear how Elon Musk will position his new company, we can clearly say that his main goal is to compete with OpenAI. We can also underline that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman told the Wall Street Journal that he observed Elon Musk developing a competitive environment.

Elon Musk argues that artificial intelligence could beat human intelligence!

Elon Musk shows his interest in artificial intelligence every chance he gets. Some time ago, the CEO of Tesla made “scary” statements on Artificial Intelligence, according to some. Facebook’s Artificial Intelligence manager Jerome Pesenti claimed that there is no AI system, i.e. artificial intelligence, close to the same intelligence as the human mind as Elon Musk defended. In his statement on this issue, Elon Musk heavily criticized people who do not think that Artificial Intelligence can be smarter than humans.

Elon Musk said that he has been making statements about artificial intelligence for a long time and that he is concerned about where artificial intelligence is going. Musk, who thinks that smart people are much more wrong about artificial intelligence, thinks that it is a flawed thinking that these people cannot imagine that a computer can be smarter than them. At the same time, he said that these people are just dumber than they think.

In all his statements about artificial intelligence, Musk underlines that artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence. According to Musk, artificial intelligence is more dangerous for humanity than nuclear weapons. Musk, who also takes initiatives that back his claims up with artificial intelligence, does not avoid creating a competitive environment in any way.

In a news article published on CNBC in recent months, a source who did not want to be named from the US Artificial Intelligence community mentioned that Elon Musk’s ideas about artificial intelligence generally created a negative distraction. Another AI researcher, who also refrained from giving their name, claimed that they were confused about whether Elon Musk was aware of what he was doing.

A lot of people working at Facebook have reacted as negatively as Jerome Pesenti to all the statements made by Elon Musk. Yann LeCun, Facebook’s AI Scientist, has called Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg “irresponsible” in the past. This time, he stated that Musk has gone almost crazy.

It is clear from all his statements that Musk will not give up on his statements and will never compromise his stance against Artificial Intelligence. Considering Elon Musk’s past behavior regarding the artificial intelligence company; we do not fully understand how appropriate his concerns are.

It should not be forgotten that Elon Musk is one of the first investors in many leading artificial intelligence initiatives, including the $1 billion OpenAI lab and the London-based DeepMind, which was acquired by Google. Musk, who has managed to build himself quite a reputation with his investments in this field, does not seem to slow down in any way. Musk, who also ignores the reactions to his claims, is supported by some, but also receives huge backlash from many people. In order to stay away from conflicts of interest with Tesla, Elon Musk left the board of OpenAI in 2018, and it seems that we will see the accuracy of his statements in the coming years.

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